© 2015 City Diagnositc Center
The 8 channel 1.5 Tesla MRI scanner is the first of its kind in the city and equipped with all the available software and hardware it is capable of taking scans of any part of the body. So whether it is stroke (brain attack), sports injury or the regular headache and low back ache, this state of the art scanner can take exquisite images and help the treating physician.
The MRI machines at city diagnostic are best in the industry with 1.5 Tesla (magnet strength) and 8 Channels (receiving power) to ensure best of image quality, advanced applications, fastest speed of scanning, and maximum patient comfort.
One of the unique applications on our MRI machines is Whole Body MRI.
Whole Body MRI Screening
Now, in just 25 minutes, get a complete screening from head-to-toe on India's fastest and most patient friendly MRI with wide bore for maximum patient comfort.
Whole BodyMRI evaluates all the organs in the body including head, neck, chest, abdomen, pelvis, musculoskeleton, and whole spine.
Whole Body MRI..
Is completely harmless with no exposure to radiation. Fully non-invasive with no injection of contrast.Has no side effects.
Complements other diagnostic investiga-tions such as Sonography and Colour Doppler for a more thorough evaluation of any disease.
Whole Body Angio
1.5 T MRI Scanning system is also used for the study of neurological disorders like multiple sclerosis, Parkinson and related technical developments. This scanner has a capability for echo planar imaging, multi-nucleus imaging and spectroscopy.